Smith-Jackson Ukrainian Bilingual School Home

Education Enriched Through Culture
Освіта збагачена культурою
The students at Smith-Jackson will be provided with the best possible intellectual, physical, social, emotional, moral and cultural education in a bilingual setting. They will engage in learning activities that promote and enhance the knowledge, practice and appreciation of culture. The students will be part of a learning community that values working hard, caring for others, and respecting people and property.

News & Announcements

school bus cancellations and delays

MVSD Bus Cancellations

For Thursday, February 6 - ALL MVSD buses are cancelled due to the ongoing storm. School closures, if any, will be determined in the morning.

MVSD News Digest - January 27, 2025

The MVSD News Digest, highlighting information from the January 27th Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, is now available. Click on the headline to read more.

Nagamon and Niimidiwin

We have been so lucky to have guest instructors come and share their love of Metis Jigging with our students during Phys Ed classes! Today was their second visit with us. Our next dance sessions will begin in March, with new instructors teaching us about Powwow dancing!

Upcoming Events