Smith-Jackson Ukrainian Bilingual School Home

Education Enriched Through Culture
Освіта збагачена культурою
The students at Smith-Jackson will be provided with the best possible intellectual, physical, social, emotional, moral and cultural education in a bilingual setting. They will engage in learning activities that promote and enhance the knowledge, practice and appreciation of culture. The students will be part of a learning community that values working hard, caring for others, and respecting people and property.

News & Announcements

Update on Measles in Manitoba

Please click on "read more" to access a letter from Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care sharing an update on Measles in Manitoba.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

It's time for our March Parent-Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be held from 5:30-7:30 Thursday, March 13 and 9:00-12:00 Friday, March 14.

These conferences are a great opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and celebrate their learning.

Upcoming Events